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Interior Employee Benefits Consulting

Interior Employee Benefits is a leading provider of employee benefits insurance solutions to small businesses in British Columbia. They offer customized plans that fit specific needs, budgets, and goals. The company works with a wide range of insurance carriers to offer the best coverage options at competitive rates.

One of their most popular plans is the Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan, which provides stability and predictability to employee benefit premiums while also offering access to professional accounting, legal, and human resource experts. They also offer Employee Group Benefits plans to attract and retain employees and create a sense of health and wellness in the work environment. Additionally, they provide Health and Welfare Trust Accounts to assist self-employed individuals and incorporated companies through paying their health and dental expenses in a tax-effective and cost-efficient manner.

Interior Employee Benefits has a local advisor support team and a national customer service center available to help with any questions or concerns. They also offer my-benefits® as an online personal assistant to keep employee records current, calculate payroll deductions, and receive billings online from anywhere, at any time.

Interior Employee Benefits provides exceptional customer service, competitive rates, and a wide range of customized employee benefits insurance solutions to small businesses in British Columbia.

The Chamber Employee Benefits Program is #1 in Canada

Interior Employee Benefits
  • Customized employee benefits insurance plans that fit specific needs, budgets, and goals.
  • Access to a wide range of insurance carriers to offer the best coverage options at competitive rates.
  • Local advisor support and a national customer service center available to help with any questions or concerns.
  • Quick set-up and simple administration with my-benefits® as an online personal assistant.
  • Employee Group Benefits plans to attract and retain employees and create a sense of health and wellness in the work environment.
  • Health and Welfare Trust Accounts to assist self-employed individuals and incorporated companies in paying their health and dental expenses in a tax-effective and cost-efficient manner.